An in-depth look at the first major election cycle of the 2020s in the state of Colorado, from partisan elections to ballot measures, with results measured by population density.
2022 Colorado Statewide Elections & Ballot Measures By Density

An in-depth look at the first major election cycle of the 2020s in the state of Colorado, from partisan elections to ballot measures, with results measured by population density.
An in-depth look at the first major election cycle of the 2020s in the state of Colorado, from partisan elections to ballot measures.
For an alternate history thought experiment, here are the results of four important Presidential elections through the lense of third-party voters putting their votes behind the Democratic candidate.
As the prospect of further damage to pro-abortion laws looms in the United States, including the possible overturning of Roe v. Wade, I wanted to illustrate one area where such a measure would likely fall short: Colorado. Since 2010, Coloradans have rejected several attempts to restrict abortion and have kept Colorado one of the most lenient states in the nation with regards to abortion and other elements of reproductive healthcare. This article will examine those attempts in 2010, 2014, and 2020.
Redistricting cycles for the United States House of Representatives have historically been times of great change in the composition of Congress. As districts are redrawn according to law, some incumbents get drawn into more competitive districts, drawn in with another incumbent, or find their new district not right for them. This has led to cycles which result in many retirements, vacancies, and the defeat of incumbents in primaries or general elections.
With Colorado’s new congressional districts approved by an independent redistricting commission and the state’s new legislative districts awaiting only State Supreme Court approval, I wanted to look at the amendments that made that possible. I also wanted to look at the offices that will be up for re-election 2022.
Hello once again! This article is to document some of the most important elections that happened in the state of Colorado during the 2020 United States elections. As a resident of Colorado, I have taken great interest in the ways Colorado politics have shifted in the past decade as the state has undergone large waves of change. It is my hope these maps will give greater understanding of the ways in which coalitions around Colorado can take shape.
Hello, all. Today, I am going to look at a history of contentious primaries for Colorado Senate seats, the candidates involved, and the elections that resulted from them. I chose this topic ahead of the 2020 Senate Primary here in Colorado this June, which will pit former Speaker of the Colorado House of Representatives Andrew Romanoff against former Governor of Colorado and Presidential candidate John Hickenlooper. It has all the trappings of a close race with lots of money thrown in, and who knows what could happen after Romanoff had a surprise runaway victory in the caucuses earlier this month.
In 2019 I slowed down on pixel art to begin the process of learning drawing and illustrating, which I will be posting on this site as well. Nevertheless, I made a few pieces of art that I am proud enough to want to post on here for y’all. Please enjoy.